And the town isn't the only thing that's beautiful around here. Ladies, I gotta tell ya, there is a disproportionate number of good-looking guys in this town. And they're locals as far as I can tell! I wasn't expecting that at all. In fact, it's kind of a bad thing since I moved here to study, not to get on the dating scene. Bah, they probably don't like American girls here anyway.
I left a full beer in a snow bank outside my room last night to chill. It was still there this afternoon. I repeat...I love this country!
But then again...I could go the rest of my life without hearing "We Built This City On Rock n Roll" again.
Another question for my German friends. Do you bring your bottles back to the store after you drink the beer? I noticed stacks of empty bottles at the Plus store, and I saw a lady bringing crates of empty bottles to the liquor store. Is it a "requirement" by law or do you simply get a deposit back when you return the bottles?
Another thing I love about Germans? They always pronounce my last name right!
Here are some photos from my walks around town today:
I never used the panoramic program I have before. That's got to change! (click on it for the full effect)

And that wraps up my day. Now for some more beer & Eurosport!