This place is lousy with tourists, but what can I say about it? I'm a tourist for all practical purposes at the moment. And this place is so beautiful, it's bound to draw crowds.
And the town isn't the only thing that's beautiful around here. Ladies, I gotta tell ya, there is a disproportionate number of good-looking guys in this town. And they're locals as far as I can tell! I wasn't expecting that at all. In fact, it's kind of a bad thing since I moved here to study, not to get on the dating scene. Bah, they probably don't like American girls here anyway.
I left a full beer in a snow bank outside my room last night to chill. It was still there this afternoon. I repeat...I love this country!
But then again...I could go the rest of my life without hearing "We Built This City On Rock n Roll" again.
Another question for my German friends. Do you bring your bottles back to the store after you drink the beer? I noticed stacks of empty bottles at the Plus store, and I saw a lady bringing crates of empty bottles to the liquor store. Is it a "requirement" by law or do you simply get a deposit back when you return the bottles?
Another thing I love about Germans? They always pronounce my last name right!
Here are some photos from my walks around town today:
I never used the panoramic program I have before. That's got to change! (click on it for the full effect)
More from the Lech river. If you haven't noticed already, it's an odd shade of green, which comes from the minerals from what I've been told. It's not green like the river in Chicago, either. You can see down to the bottom. It's pretty eerie at times because there are sunken piers and such lying at the bottom. You can get an idea of what I'm talking about in the last picture of this series:
A lot of the tourism here is because of the castles we visited the other day. They're close, but I didn't realize how close until I was walking back from Forggensee today (note the second photo):
A great shot of Hohes Schloss if I do say so myself...
A little detail can be seen here:
What can I say? I just like this guy!
And that wraps up my day. Now for some more beer & Eurosport!