Everyone got real serious looking and starting using acronyms that I didn't understand, but worried me all the same. "We've got a CCS here!" I have no doubt that if I was a man, I would've gotten in big trouble. But it worked out ok so no biggie.
I arrived in Brussels at 7:30 am. I get to my hotel and I can't check in until noon. I knew that, but I didn't realize what that would mean to my jet-lagged, tired-ass self. I checked my baggage and hit the street. The area I'm in is called Le Grand Place. (It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site)
I don't know what the hell was going on around here last night, but the vibe this morning was positively eerie. I literally heard nothing but my own footsteps and occasionally, the sound of drunken people slurring in French coming out of various flats and bars and what I assume to be "after hour clubs".
Oh, and I got hit on mercilessly. I swear in the first hour I was here, I had 2 guys tell me to leave my (imaginary) boyfriend for them, and at least 3 cars pull up next to me. It was a little scary, but you guys know me. I handled it just fine.
Walking around this morning reminded me of being back at home, but not in a good way. This place is covered with graffiti and beer cans and filled with roaming thugs. (Oh...and many, many piles of vomit) At least it was this morning. I went to the hotel and took a nap and the scene was totally different when I woke up. Not surprising.
Don't be mistaken. It's beautiful here and there's a lot to see, but honestly, it was kinda like being at home at first. It was a little intimidating to walk down these tiny streets all by myself while running into random drunks and homeless people at every turn. I kept my wits sharp.
I was tired, tired, tired, but I walked around for like 6 hours today. Here are some random photos from around town:
Sorry I don't have the locations listed. I've got to get in the habit of writing down the names of the places I go.
Tomorrow afternoon I'm off to Amsterdam!