Now for the bad news. My good friends Tony & Stephanie took a train down to New Orleans to find a place to move. They absolutely love New Orleans and decided to move there so they could "vacation somewhere else". Well, their shit got jacked on the train! Can you believe that shit?!? Some jerks took all of their baggage except for their carry-on bags. Got off in Fulton, Kentucky. Amtrak can't do anything. Let's all hope that things turn around for them somehow. They are really good friends of mine and they don't deserve that shit. It really burns me up.
Not much else to report. I hope to have my ad in the paper in a day or two. Hopefully, I will receive some replies. I booked this apartment for 10 days. I'm really hoping this plan works out and I find a place I like so I don't have to pay an agent fee. Although I really, really like that apartment I looked at, I feel like a woman scorned. I still haven't received an answer about it yet.
Again, this apartment is fantastic. When I go out on the balcony, I can hear the waters of Bad Faulenbach trickling by. It has central stereo. The place has the feel of a lodge. I could see living in a place like this if it was just a tiny bit bigger. Still don't have internet, though. Oh well. I know where the internet cafe is now. Oh, but I DO have access to swimming pool! HOORAY! I love to swim, but I haven't been able to do it nearly as often as I like to. Yet another thing I'm looking forward to: swimming in the alpine lakes this summer.
By the way, did I say day 16 the other day? It's more like day twenty-something. I don't know where my head was at...
Some photos from my walk in the fog the other night:

Tiny frozen lake near Bad Faulenbach:
Here's the lake those guys were playing "ice-bocce" on before: