Last weekend my friends Michael and Sven came to visit! I met Michael for the first time when I was here last year, and now I finally got to meet Sven as well. For those of you who don't know, I've been friends with these guys for years through the modern marvel known as the internet. First on a music forum that I choose to not endorse, then on Beyond The Groove. (see link on the right) Anyway, it was a blast. We listened to records, drank lots of beer out of giant mugs and had a great time! We also went to the Lechfall and Kalvarienberg so they could see how beautiful this place is. Here are a couple of photos:

This week I finally went swimming, too! I went to the Schwansee, which is the lake in the photo above. It was really nice. I was a little freaked out because I haven't swum in a natural body of water for years. I didn't go to far out. It isn't terribly deep, and I know how to swim so who cares if it is, right? But I can't help it, it takes me awhile to get comfortable. There are a couple of lakes that are closer but they're not as picturesque.
I missed Independence day for the first time since I was 12 this year. Actually, I didn't even think about the fact that I missed it before until right this minute. I can't say I missed the noise, but I definitely missed the BBQ's.
wow...the guy in the bright red shirt is handsome ;)
so you finally went swimming...nice.
maybe we both can try it together within this summer again...
thanks for the good time !!!!
Tell Chris Hiller "Eight says hello."
(it's an inside joke.)
Either way, meeting people on the internet and then meeting them in person is about the lamest thing anyone could ever do. G'eah.
The guys are hot, you were not lying!:)))
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