01 August 2009

Trip Around Forggensee & the Rubber Duck Race

We had a couple of really nice, sunny days this week. I decided to take a ride around the Forggen Lake (Forggensee). I mentioned it previously. I couldn't have asked for a nicer day to make the trip. It's about 30km (18 miles) around. Today, there was a rubber duck race in the Lech river in town. Unfortunately, I was behind the finish line, which I thought was the starting line. Oh well. It was still fun because the river is looking really clean right now. When we get a lot of rain, it looks brown like the Mississippi. It's a rare treat for it to stop raining long enough to settle again.

People lined up on the bridge. The finish line is there in the river below:

The ducks were quite small. You can see a couple floating by here:

I don't know what these guys were doing, but everyone gets a kick out of Lederhosen:

I saw these giant bunnies on the walk there. Huge!:

The trip around the Forggensee:

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