Yep, I'm still here, but that's fine. I expect to leave for the Cologne tomorrow morning. I'm still sorting stuff out. And it's still raining! It hasn't stopped since I got here.
I just came back from the store a little while ago. Can you believe they were playing Latin music? I felt like I was back in the barrio!
Anyway, I swear, everything I've eaten or drank since I got here has been outstanding! I bought some chips, chocolate, cookies and of course beer. I only bought stuff I've never seen in America, of course. Only thing is, when you shop at the local market, people start talking to you in German because they assume you're a local. I passed this old guy on the street and he smiled and made a little joke about the rain (I think!) and I laughed even though I didn't understand it. I thought it was cute.
I do feel pretty uncomfortable regarding communicating because I don't know any German. I got by in Belgium and Amsterdam, but here it's a little tough. But everyone has been very nice, so I should be fine. I just worry about people mocking/making fun of me without me knowing it. It's a little hang up of mine.
Actually, when I was in Amsterdam, I asked for directions from this guy and he looked at me like I was crazy when I said something. And it was in English! I don't remember what it was. One of my goofy little quips or whatever. I was embarrassed for a split second, but then I laughed and thought to myself, "Shit, people in my country think I'm crazy, too!"
Here are some more/better photos: