Here's my running journal from the past couple of days:
Wah, wah wah. I'm having a self-pity day over here.
I'm still waiting for the answer on that apartment. The agent said that he hadn't heard back from the owner yet. It's starting to piss me off. I'm really, REALLY tired of being in a hotel.
The good thing is that I arranged for much cheaper accommodations starting tomorrow. There's this little B&B across the street and it's about half the price. Apparently, it's totally empty, too, so I will have it to myself. Hopefully I won't have to stay there for more than a day. I hate being in limbo.
Moving on. After I found out that I was going to be in this room for another day, I decided I'd hop the train to Garmisch, which is a really mountainous ski town approximately 40km southeast of here. I looked up the prices yesterday and it was only 20 EUR round trip. I get to the train station and the machine tells me tickets are 65 EUR. So that plan is kaputt.
The weather is shitty today, too. It rains, then the sky peeks out for 10 minutes, then it rains again.
I bought a couple of great books to help with my German, so I guess I'll be reading those and bumming around the hotel waiting, waiting, WAITING for this fucking call all day. If I don't hear anything today, I'm going to go cuckoo-bananas!
But for now I'm just gonna pout and whine and stomp my feet because I'm really bored and frustrated.
Just got back from my nightly stroll. Sitting by the river tonight took me back to the nights I used to fish with my dad. It was cold and still and the reflection of the buildings in the water reminded me of the times when Lake Michigan would be still and I could see the skyscrapers in the water. Reminiscing. It was nice.
I ate at this little restaurant in town. It was good and reasonable. There are lots of great places to eat here, I'm finding. And I ate half a slice of raw tomato tonight, too! I forgot to tell them not to put it on my salad and they gave me four big slices. I like to re-attempt to eat them every few years or so just to see if I still find them disgusting. You know what? It wasn't that disgusting. I didn't enjoy it, but it didn't make me gag, either. I may keep trying to eat half a slice until I get over this whole thing. All vegetables should be my friends.
All of the Croatian I know is starting to come back to me now, too. My brother suggested that it's probably because I'm exercising the part of my brain that focuses on languages. He's probably right. But enough about that. Dosta!
I forgot to mention that there's a Croatian restaurant in town, too! What are the odds? I haven't tried it yet because it's closed until February.
It's now Tuesday. I still haven't heard anything about the apartment. You guys can guess how tense I feel so I'll leave it alone for now.
The cats and I moved into the new place. It's cute and nice and it's like living in someone's house while they're not there. Only thing is there's no TV in the bedroom; only in the common area. I'm one of those people that falls asleep to TV so it's kind of a bummer. I bought a documentary at the V-Markt(sp?) called "Europa: Der Kontinent". The problem is, I can't switch it to English. D'oh! It's not as bad as I thought, though. Unlike sitcoms, documentaries are actually very helpful as far as learning the language because they're pretty much showing you what they're talking about. It's not about "feelings", vernacular and all that garbage.
Another thing! They put a smoking ban into effect on the first of the year! Mist! (in English: "Damn it!")
The funny thing is that there's a caveat built in that says that "tented venues" can allow smoking (in other words...only Oktoberfest). Reminds me of Chicago politics. Ha ha.
That about wraps it up for today. Pretty uneventful, I know. Hopefully I'll find out something about the apartment tomorrow and then the real adventure will begin. I can't wait to get settled already! It's making me ornery to not have a place to call my own yet. I want to cook a meal for myself and take a shower in my own bathroom. Is that too much to ask? Grumble.
It's Wednesday. Last night I went for a walk and listened to my headphones and gazed at the stars. It was wonderful. I was awestruck by how many stars I could see when I walked to the outside of town. I stood and stared for a long time. It was a great night out. Cold but clear.
Today I woke up freaking out about not hearing a reply about the apartment yet. I wrote a firm but friendly email to the agent saying that I'd be really upset if I wasted all this time for nothing. I told him I really wanted the apartment, etc. He replied that the owner finally called him yesterday and now it should only be a day or two until I know something.
The place I'm at now is very cozy so I can wait another day or two I guess. As long as it's REALLY only another day or two.
I miss you all! I can't wait to get settled so I can start talking to everyone regularly again.
*A Simpsons reference by the way.