OK, let me go back to the beginning. It was hard to leave Amsterdam this morning, but I did. I got on the train and I sat back and watched the countryside roll by with my headphones on. Then I hear a yelp. I look down the aisle of the near-empty train car and see a dog and think to myself, "That's odd. They let dogs on the--OH SHIT!" My blood ran cold. I pictured myself in a German prison. I tried to think of what I could do, but I couldn't do anything because everything was stuffed in the middle of my suitcase up above. So I sat quietly and nervously while they searched this other guys luggage. Then the cop walked up to me with the dog. I slowly turned as the dog gave me the once over.
Then the dog turned to the cop and yelped.
He said, "The dog smells drugs. Do you have any drugs on you?" and I said, "No. I mean...I went to the coffee shops and smoked a lot while I was there, but no...I didn't bring any away with me." He sat on the armrest of the chair across the aisle and leaned in and said, "If you have anything you should tell me now. Because if we find something, there will be big trouble." I said, "No, I don't have anything with me."
The cops searched my carry-on bag and purse (which like I said, reeked of it) and didn't find anything. I was very cooperative and cool as a cucumber, so they took mercy on me and let me go. But inside I was scared. OH SO scared!!
I get to Duisburg, outside of Mülheim (which is where I was supposed to pick up the RV.) On the ride there, the taxi driver pointed to the building where the mafia killed all those guys! I said, "Wow! I heard all about that story!" (Michael!) Isn't that funny?
After the problem with the RV, I decided to spend a night here and relax while I plan for tomorrow. I'm on vacation. No need to be stressed out. I got a hotel. This hotel is the nicest and cheapest of all! It has four big windows that open out to the main street. It's called Handelshof Hotel und Restaurant. I really like it. It's been raining all day long, too. So I don't mind spending a night here; I have time.
And I had the best dinner tonight! It was the kind of meal that makes you mumble to yourself while you're eating. Excellent. I had pork schnitzel with mushroom sauce and (potato) croquettes. I mention that they were "potato" because croquettes usually have ham & cheese in them in my neighborhood.