I wanted to go up to a hunting hut (Jagerhütte) called Kenzenhütte. The Alps are peppered with these hunting huts, which are kind of like mountain rest stops. You can get a beer or a bite and then move on. Kenzenhütte is near the "Matterhorn of the Alps" as well as the highest peak in the Allgäu: the Hochplatte. I was told that the Säuling, which I can see from my balcony, is the hightest peak but I was misinformed. I biked to Halblech (about an hour away) to catch the bus.
I planned to take the bus up and then hike down, but when the driver said it was 12km down, I decided against it. Next time I will, though, because it only takes about 2 ½ hours. I can do that no problem, and I'm sure there's a lot more to see. So we took this twisting, winding road up the mountain. Then I took a short walk to the nearby waterfall, and proceeded up one of the roads for about 45 minutes before I turned back. I got started a bit late, and I had a long way back on my bike, so I cut it rather short. However, it was a fun little trip!
Saturday night I went to the center of town for a jazz concert. It was Albie Donnelly's Supercharge and it was really good! Honestly, I wasn't expecting much because after all, this is just a little town, but it was great. I had a lot of fun. It started to rain partway through, but it didn't matter. Music, friends & Bavarian beer made everything alright.
The ride to Halblech:

Mountain plants:

This plant looks like it has little candlesticks on it:

The jazz concert:

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