Experience my move to Füssen, Germany and the adventures that will certainly ensue first hand.
01 June 2009
2nd Austrian Bike Trip
Jon and I took a bike tour of the Tirol, much like the trip my cousin Alex and I took a couple of weeks ago. Except this time we went south through a different valley. It was actually a lot shorter, albeit tougher. We did it all in one day...all 60km (37 miles), which was easily the longest bike trip I ever took. But I had it easy, I was on my cruiser. Jon was on my BMX!
Jon by the rickety bridge with the Vilsegg Ruin behind him:
Filling up in Pfronten:
This cat ran up to us as we took a break near the side of the road. The friendliest cat ever!
A stop for lunch in the valley:
A break by Haldensee:
The Alter Gaichtpaß near Weißenbach am Lech (an old Roman road):
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