Woke up after a solid sleep on Michael's super-comfy portable bed around 2pm. (we were up very late last night)
We got the train into town, ran a couple of errands. (Got me a compass for one thing!) Then we went to the castle. It was much larger than I expected! Then we went into the garden and watched people feed the killer fish. Ha ha.
Anyway, it was simply beautiful as you can see for yourself!
There was a medieval festival going on, too, so that made it extra entertaining. Meaning there were a lot of freaks!
Then we had a couple of beers, a nice walk around town, a tasty lunch and an all-around great afternoon. The weather was beautiful and the company was perfect. I had a wonderful time!!
It was nice to have someone to ask the little questions I've had about what signs mean and how to pronounce words, too. Not to mention the fact that I didn't have to try to speak German. He did it all for me. He's sweet like that. :)
I only hope he makes it out to Chicago so I can return the deed. I really had a great time in Karlsruhe.