This has got to be one of the best days I've had on this trip. Just about everything went perfectly, except for my alarm not going off, but I still got on the road by 9:30 so no big deal.
I drove back up to that road, but there was nothing there. I think it was a logging route or something. And it got even scarier as I went further down so I am VERY happy I didn't continue on it last night. I easily could've gotten stuck in the mud in the middle of nowhere.
I drove around the castle cluster I spoke of last night, but dammit if they aren't elusive suckers. I drove all over that region and finally said "fuck it" after 2 hours. No biggie. It was still a nice drive.
So I hit the road of Rothenburg. GREAT idea! I had no idea what I'd find there. It was (another) walled medieval town! Super cool. I walked along the top of the wall and saw pretty much the whole town. It was a little touristy and there was a lot of medieval shtick going on; you know, people roaming around in period clothes, making period food & crafts, etc. But it was still cool. Very, very cool! I picked up some cool little antiques at a couple of shops. It was in Rothenburg that I decided that I may be a Deutsche-phile. I really, really love this country.
Makes me think of my friend Jon, who says he's a Franco-phile. Says "...I drink a lot, ride a bike, I like good food and I'm hey..." That was bad, I know. But awfully funny!
Anyway, I finally found the Romantic Route! I started driving and came across ruins of a castle in Wertheim. I climbed all the way up to it, and let me tell you that wasn't easy. But SO worth it. Funny, but panting heavily transcends all languages. I ran into a few people on the way up and each time we had "conversations" about how difficult it is to get up there!
But I got some amazing shots. I was so happy to find another castle. In ruins no less! This trip just started getting even better.
I drove further and came across castle after castle. Some I could photograph, some I couldn't. I drove through mountains and nature parks and the landscape was just breathtaking. Exactly what I wanted when I planned this trip in the first place.
I continued on the route to Miltenberg, climbing higher and higher into the mountains as night fell. Then I reached a straightaway and suddenly the road was completely obscured in fog. There was a hotel on the left side of the road (and NOTHING else) so I pulled over. I'm here now. It's cheap and the room is great! I even have my own balcony. I just got up to look around the room to tell you where I am, but I have NO idea! Ha ha ha ha! I think it may be Boxbrunn, but it's not on the map so I'm not sure.
I guess I'll find out when I go downstairs to eat in a minute. More delicious German food & beer! HOOORAY!!!
The fog that stopped me:
I still don't know what town this is, but I had another excellent meal. This is a cute little hotel. Very rustic. I was the only one in the restaurant besides the owner/father, waitress/daughter & 2 locals having a drink.
Before I left I asked for ice, and the woman told me her father was "looking for it" for me. Too funny...
The radio was on and I heard yet another Queen song. I swear I've heard at Queen at LEAST 12 times on the radio since I've been here. (no joke!) Like I said, it's my kind of country. ;)
They also played some Alan Parsons Project and T-Rex, which they never play on the radio in the states except for "Bang A Gong" (which I don't really like)
I'd heard that they play a lot of eighties-era American music here in Europe, but I didn't really believe it until now. They play a lot of American music, period, but especially eighties music for whatever reason. When I was driving through Switzerland, I tuned into Italian radio and heard a version of "The Secret Life of Plants" by Stevie Wonder. That was really cool. It's on one of the video clips I recorded, so I will let you guys know when I get around to editing those.
I love foreign radio.
So I'm planning my route toward Frankfurt, although I don't know if I'll make the plane tomorrow. I got stopped cold by the fog much earlier than I anticipated. I may have to fly home Monday instead. Not that I mind, but wow...this trip is running a few days longer than I expected. I guess it's partly because I really love this country and don't want to go home yet. But I start school again in less than a week! Shit!
Tomorrow I head toward Worms & Mainz. The waitress said both are nice routes, so I guess I gotta look at my road map and decide for myself which way to venture! I only have one day left in this glorious country! :(
Aha! I am in Boxbrunn! I just found it on the map even though it's not in the index.
I just washed the pants I wore on the plane and I found some USD in the pocket. It looked like phony money to me! And I also found 3€ which I could've used the other day if I knew I had it! Oh well...
And here is Burg Wertheim. A BIG highlight of the trip!