Today I woke up in the back of the VW around 9:30am. Looking like complete shit, but feeling OK considering the circumstances. I got a couple of shots of espresso and set off for...wherever! I shit you not. All I know is that I should be in Frankfurt by the time I run out of money or steam or have to start school, so that's my goal.
That being said, I didn't mean to come here, but I love Ulm. This town is great. I just got here a half hour ago after many, many hours of driving. I'm writing this before I write anything about the past 3 days because if you guys could see where I'm sitting right now...oh man, it's breathtaking. This cathedral is probably my favorite in Europe (that I've seen) so far and that's saying a lot.
It's huge and ominous and worn! The only problem is that whenever I try to shoot photos after driving a long time, I can't keep my hand still. However, with this structure it kinda worked! Spooky, eh?? (I'll get some better shots tomorrow)
I clocked 2,200 kilometers on the car today after having the car for 3 days, so you could say I've been around. That's why I haven't had a chance to write about my trip. Also because internet access has been spotty at best.
I'm going to go back and write about the past few days. More on Ulm later. I get such a great vibe from this town. Let's see if it lasts!
Okay, I just got into my hotel room and opened a bottle of beer with a tiny plastic bottle of Scope mouth wash. Just goes to show you; where there's a will there's a way! Kind of like the running theme of this trip...not to be cheesy, but when all you got is lemons, you gotsta make some lemonade!
I didn't go to half of the places I planned to go to on this trip, but I went to so many places I never expected to go.
Like here in Ulm for example. I had no idea I'd be here, but it's great. The architecture here is splendid! And the few people I talked to tonight were really friendly and helpful. I had a fairly lengthy conversation with a waitress at the plaza tonight. She was super cool: the kind of girl I'd like to hook one of my friends up with. We talked about the old ways vs. the new ways and the people who live in the itty-bitty villages, etc.
Oh, and we also talked about difficulties with languages. I explained how I have a hard time with German and I said "good day" in my best German accent and she laughed at me. I said, "See! That's why I don't try to speak it!" and she said, "NO, I'm laughing because you did the accent perfectly."
That made me feel good.