I got in contact with him through Couch Surfing.com. He was the BEST! In fact, now that I'm going to be hosting people too, I feel intimidated by the example he set. I could not possibly be as good a host as he was. I started reading more about the history of Füssen so I can be about 1% as knowledgable as he is about Salzburg. He was a fountain of fascinating information! Every step was filled with another fun fact. He thought I was bored with it, but no way! It was the best way to see the city. I saw and learned about so much in that one afternoon. It was outstanding. I feel completely satisfied with my entire experience in Salzburg. There's no better way to travel!
The following photos were from the first day, so the captions are scarce because I didn't have the benefit of Peter-Paul's company, but the next entry will hopefully be a bit better. We'll see how much I can remember.

Mirabelle Gardens:

On the walk up to Hohensalzburg Fortress:

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