19 December 2010

Schloß Fernsteinsee, Schloß Linderhof & Kenzenhütte

Here are some photos that I neglected to post from a hike I took with my friends Bea & Liesbeth, and a short drive I took down into Austria. I've already been to Linderhof and Kenzenhütte so I won't bore you with a lot of text. Just enjoy the photos!

Waterfall by Kenzenhütte

Hello Bea!


Even the reservoirs are beautiful here


Bea taking a Kneipp cure

On some road in Austria

Imst, Austria
Fernsteinsee, Austria

Schloß Fernsteinsee, Austria

The green machine at Plansee, Austria

The Moorish Kiosk at Schloß Linderhof