Here are the rest of the photos from the drive from Uherské Hradiště to Český Krumlov and ultimately to my friend Peter-Paul's house in Salzburg. The next morning there were around 6 inches of snow on the ground! It was totally unexpected and made my trip home much longer. But I stopped in Bad Tölz, which is a cute little town I passed through on my way home from Salzburg last time I went, however I didn't have time to stop last time. This time I made a point of it. All in all, it was an enjoyable trip in spite of the weather and the fact that I was stuck behind snow plows at least three times.
Pelhřimov, Czech Republic:
Such a peaceful road. The sun hitting the trees was so beautiful (click to enlarge):
These are from the drive the next day, from Salzburg back to Füssen via Bad Tölz. I love the way the mountains looked. Almost like they were airbrushed.
People feeding birds at the Chiemsee:
Bad Tölz, Germany:
A scary, cute little monster in the window of a gun shop:
The Isar river (the same river that flows through Munich):
I woke up around 7am to get an early start to Český Krumlov. It was dark once again, and it had snowed more overnight so I was a little downtrodden when I left Uherské Hradiště. I was also a bit sad to be leaving my new friends so soon, but I expect I will see them again. It was really cold, but not Chicago cold so I coped. The roads were a bit treacherous, but I had time and so I went slow. The whole time I was driving I was praying that the sun would come out, and finally it did! I was so thankful because I really wanted to take a lot of photos and another bleak day would've been upsetting. I stopped in a nice town called Pelhřimov, which was on the way. I didn't spend much time there, but I did buy a new hat to replace the one I lost on Friday.
Ultimately, I ended up in Český Krumlov, which was everything I expected. I'll leave you to the photos now.
These are all photos of Český Krumlov (more to follow + Pelhřimov):
The photos of Pelhřimov & Bad Tölz (Germany) will follow. (Go back for day one of my Czech Republic road trip)