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Yesterday was the first day of the quarter, so what did I do? I went for a bike ride and a hike! It was such a nice day, I couldn't resist. Plus, my assignments weren't even posted yet so I didn't feel too guilty. And finally, the weather was really bad during most of my time off, so I had to enjoy it while I could!I decided to finally take a walk around the Alpsee. I've been there many times before, but I'd never walked the Alpseerundweg. It took me about an hour and it was well worth it. It's one of the largest, cleanest, deepest, and most beautiful lakes in the area, and that's saying a lot. When I first moved here, I was told that it's rated as being clean enough to drink. The Lech river looked spectacular yesterday. Check out how clean it is. Just beautiful:

At the start of the trail around the Alpsee (you can see Neuschwanstein in the background):

Monument for the king's mother:

From my semi-daily bike ride last week:

People riding bikes on the new part of the Autobahn just before it opened:
The Weißensee at sunset:

The next few photos were from an excursion I took with my new friend Tristan and a couch surfer named Simona. Near Pinswang, Austria:
At the Urisee in Austria:
The rules of the lake, which were quite ludicrous:
On the ride back from our excursion:
Some really beautiful butterflies in front of my building:

A beautiful morning (from my balcony):
And a beautiful night:
Mountain range on night of Perseid shower (above)Here are some random photos that I either neglected to add, or that didn't warrant an entire new post. All is well and I expect to have some new adventures over the next few weeks, during my break from school. This week I have to bust ass to finish up so I can finally get some relief from all the homework. Naturally, I will have to practice during break, because all of the assignments make that impossible now. But I knew what I was signing up for, and I kind of enjoy it. The Altstadt one drunken night:

Galgenbichl is where they used to hang people in the old days. There's a big hill surrounded by woods and meadows and it's right in the middle of town:
You can see a spiderweb if you look carefully:

Some people gathered in the courtyard of the Hohes Schloß for a tour:
The following photos were from a bike ride I took toward Hopfensee during a sun shower. It was probably the best ride I took all year simply because of the weather, the view, the vibe, the rainbow:

These were taken at the Walderlebniszentrum, which means roughly "forest enjoyment center":
I know this sounds crazy, but I have a recurring dream where I'm walking/running down a wood plank path just like this one. Spooky:

These are from a graffiti exhibit at the Kunsthallen am Lech, which is an old factory cum artists' residence and gallery:

A hike to Alpstrudelfall in Austria:

Random moon/castle shots from my balcony:

A very early sunrise (around 3:45am):
That's all for now. See you next week!