Jon and I biked to Hopfen am See, which is about 10 km or so from Füssen. There's a ruin on the top of the hill, which is where I got these shots from. It's a shame the weather wasn't nicer because the view was awesome.
We had to pass through this bullpen to get to the other part of the path. As we approached, they started walking toward us in earnest. It was a little scary but we got by. Then we waited for the family that was behind us to see how they would cope. Yeah, we're a coupla jerks.
Elaine, Jon and I went to Oberstdorf to see Breitachklamm. It was beautiful and loud and we had a great day to enjoy it, for the most part. It rained on us for about 20 minutes, but that's the way it is in the mountains: unpredictable. Elaine let me drive us back to Füssen, which was a treat. I really miss driving and it's especially fun here.
Elaine & Jon:
During the floods of 2005 (I think), the water level rose to about 6 feet above this pathway. Scary!
Jon and I took a bike tour of the Tirol, much like the trip my cousin Alex and I took a couple of weeks ago. Except this time we went south through a different valley. It was actually a lot shorter, albeit tougher. We did it all in one day...all 60km (37 miles), which was easily the longest bike trip I ever took. But I had it easy, I was on my cruiser. Jon was on my BMX!
Jon by the rickety bridge with the Vilsegg Ruin behind him:
Filling up in Pfronten:
This cat ran up to us as we took a break near the side of the road. The friendliest cat ever!
A stop for lunch in the valley:
A break by Haldensee:
The Alter Gaichtpaß near Weißenbach am Lech (an old Roman road):